Who is Lace and Grace Rosary
The creator and founder of Lace and Grace Rosary Wendy Godoy is a mother of four and a Catholic convert
Wendy was born and raised lds and she lived her life in her faith but was never truly sure if that was the true church. She has prayed since she was a child for an answer but never felt like she never got it.
Once she got older, she had some hard times that made her question the existence of her lord. During those hard times she turned away from everything she knew and believed in.
With two kids and feeling lost, she found a man that loved and care for her and her kids and who showed her the Catholic Church. After the two of them had children their own. She started to attend the Catholic Church with him and their kids, she fell in love with the Catholic Church and all of their traditions. She started praying the Rosary every day and felt it's power.
So now her and her family pray and make rosaries together and love the lord and his church. She wants to keep her family in God's good grace and keep him in their hearts.
Her biggest goal is to spread God's love and make praying the Rosary easier for everyone and anyone that is new to the church or simply want to know how to pray the rosary. Her dream is to bring the beauty of church traditions and Bible stories to life through the blessed rosary.