Our Mission
We have made it our mission to share the Lords words and teachings around the world. But we can't do that without you! If you are new to praying the Rosary or don't know when to pray each mystery we want to make sure to have to information you need to pray daily. We offer a "How to Pray the Rosary" card free with each purchase.
How do you share the Lords words and teachings through our Rosaries? By have each Rosary desgin inspired by Catholic and Bible teaching and traditions. When you buy one of our Rosaries with a Story you can share the stories or tradition the inspired the design of that Rosary and by doing so you are helping us spread the message around. You have pick your Rosary by Story, season, or design and learn more about a Story or tradition you didn't already know or have a way to share a story you already love every time someone asks you about your Rosary or when you want to show it off.